
Reid Schoenfelder - Singer/Songwriter

Based in Maryland - You will LOVE his his soul touching lyrics and his guitar driven Alt Rock & Power Pop style of Music

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When you join almost anywhere the entity asks for your email. Then that social media platform essentially owns the data, and the control of access for the artist to their fans. By entering the email here the artist can have a direct connection to you the FAN.


Share your E-Mail, TIP if you enjoy his Music, Purchase his EP's, Download his MP3's, & Attend His Next Show and BUY some Merchandise & TELL YOUR FRIENDS

Videos & Video Playlists

Stream Reid's Music Here

Radio , and Jukeboxes


99.9fm Bay FM - Australia's most easterly station - G'Day Reid! Thanks so much for submitting your track! “It’s a great tune with a compelling melody, strong vocal, solid arrangement & production, & guitar rock riffin' vibe.”

Social Media

Websites of Interest

Reid's Website, EPK, Blues Highway Label, Publisher